BIG Brew Day!
Hi all!
As every homebrewer should have known, last Saturday (the 5th) was the AHA's National Homebrew Day...or commonly known as BIG Brew!
We celebrated over here at the house by brewing up 2 different brews and by having friends over to try what we have already brewed too! We had 2 grills going and a mountain of food and 7 different styles of homebrew to sample!
At 1PM EST, we conducted our Homemade Peach Champagne Toast to coincide with the world wide toast which was held at 12 noon Central time.
We had a great time and both Brad and I brewed a total of 20 gallons of beer! It's now fermenting nicely and I'm looking forward to trying it out!
Brad brewed an Amber Ale...and I brewed a North German Alt! We had quite a few people stop by during the day, and Bob, Paul, Russ and Jacquie stayed through the entire day to help out and to ask questions, and of sample our brews. I also had on tap a batch of home made root beer which everyone liked a lot!
Our turn out was a bit small...but we will be doing it again next year.
Below are some pics which were taken early during our day!