Monday, August 23, 2010

Busy Summer

Hi all,

I haven't posted in quite a while as i've been busy with estate matters and such.

I have been brewing though.

I decided to add some light toasted oak to the wine, and i'm glad i did. It smoothed out and added a roundness to the wine which helped it a lot.

The Spiced Holiday Winter Ale has been bottled and is conditioning. 4 months to go until it's ready!

Here's what i have brewed since the last posting:

Brown Porter
Belgian White Ale
American Rye Pale Ale
Robust Porter
Peach Ginger Melomel

We'll be brewing up a nice Pumpkin Spice Ale next weekend.

The Oktoberfest is entering it's 2nd week of fermentation and i brewed the Robust Porter yesterday, and it is fermenting as i type!

Well....gotta run....

Keep Brewing!
