Another Brew Day!

Yep!! Tomorrow will be another brew day for us. I'll be brewing the Classic Strong Scotch Ale. I have already created the starter as shown in the photo, and it looks like we're off to a great start!
To get the recipe and directions for this brew, click here.
Howies' Celebration Bier and the New Castle Brown Ale Clone will have been carbonating for 3 weeks this Sunday, and I will wait another week before I enter the kegs into the kegerator for more cold conditioning. (3 weeks worth). Then after that we'll just have to crack into these baby's and give it a go! I'll have a photo or 2 of these finished brews and a full taste report when the time comes.
I will also have to rack off the IPA we made last week on Sunday into the secondary 5 gal carboy, and will let it ferment out and clear for 3-4 weeks.
The Peach Wine is still fermenting and when it reaches a gravity of 10 or less, I will rack that off into the secondary to let it mature and clear.
I am already planning the next 3 brews to be made. A classic Oatmeal Stout, a Rasberry Wheat Wiezen, and the first lager of the season which will be announced later. Also will be making some more wine soon as well. More on this later.
I will post an update on tomorrow's brewing session when finished, and will try to furnish a photo or 2.
Until then....down the hatch!
Hi Guy,
what recipe did you use for the Newcastle Brown? The CAMRA Book states that the Newcastle Brown is actually a blend of two different beers.
Hey Peter! The recipe is listed under the topic of "Day One for my Weblog". I have a batch of it carbonating in a keg right now and it should be finished and ready to try out in another 3 weeks from now. I will be posting a final report after the taste testing has been completed.
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