Ybor Centro Beerfest!
Well it was a great beerfest over at Ybor Centro yesterday and I managed to survive and drive home safely too! This beer fest is put on by the Florida Brewers Guild and was a great success!
Among the listing of craft brew attendees were Spanish Springs Brewers, Orlando Brewing Partners, Tampa Bay Brewing Co. (they have a brand new location and were in the center of the festival!!) Shipyard Brewing Co., and many other's from around the state of Florida. Also participating were several of the local and not so local brew clubs from around the state one of which I belong to (Central Florida Home Brewers).
I started my day waking up at 6:30 AM, having my 2 morning coffee's, then started to load the suv up with a couple of chairs and a 3 gallon keg of my English Summer Ale that I donated to the cause. (it lasted 20 minutes!)
Seeing that I was the Designated Driver, I had to make a few stops to pick a couple members up. The first stop I had to make was to the club's president's home (Preston Hoover) (40 minutes away) to pick the club's banner. After I successfully navigated there (via gps) and loaded the banner, I was off to get our head meister and great homebrewer Ed Measom. Ed took Best of Show this year at the Best Florida Beer Competion for his wonderful Bock Beer! Congrats Ed!
That drive took another 45 minutes. We loaded up the suv with all of Ed's beer ( a peach wit, an apricot wit, a traditional wit, and a very awesome barleywine that was made over a year ago) and other equipment such as Co2, booth setup items etc.
Once the suv was loaded 1 more stop was in order! So off we went to pick up Don and Bob across town. After that, we were off to Ybor Centro which was another hour and 15 minute drive. We arrived about 12:45 and unloaded the suv of all the stuff and proceded to locate our booth and get set up. Our booth was located right in front of Tampa Bay Brewing Co's front window, so Don, Bob and I took advantage of that and went in for lunch! We each ordered a sandwich and of course had to try some of their wonderful craft brews! We each ordered their Porter and it was just perfect asides from being served a little too cold. We just let the little beauties sit on the table for about 15 - 20 minutes to warm up a bit then the food was served. The Cuban sandwiches there were awesome and we made them disappear promptly!
After lunch it was time to go to work and man the booth! The festival starting time came, and the beer began to flow, the band began to play, and the rest is history!
Below are a few pics of this wonderful event and next week I'll be going over Brad's house to lend a hand when he brew's a Copper APA! I'll have pic's for that as well!
See ya next week!
What a crowd and a perfect day!

Looking up at the stairway.

Old Time Box Office.

Inside the open air covered area.

Ahhh...Stogies and Handcrafted Stout!

Here's Scott servin it up! Can I get 2 of them??

Outside view and a couple of homebrew fans!

Looking towards Tampa Bay Brewing Co!

The live music was great! Thanks guy's!

The action outside.