Darn Weather!
Hey there!
Well...I didn't get a chance to brew as planned because of all the rain we had. I was going to brew today, but my yeast starter didn't work out and I had to go to the brew store which is an hour away (1 way) to get the required yeast. I made it back and assisted a fellow VCHBG member with kegging his latest batch, an ESB. I let him use one of my kegs to get the task done.
I'm now waiting for my yeast starter wort to cool off enough so I can get it aerated and pitched.
The temps here have dropped off quite a bit and at night it is getting down to around 45 degF or so. Because of the cooler temps, I have decided to use Wyeasts Califorina Lager Yeast...you know..the one that is of Steam Beer fame and the one that ferments at slightly higher temps than normal lager yeasts. I'm looking forward to using this strain for this Kentucky Common.
I'll be brewing tomorrow, and I'll be getting a few pics of the session when I can. Maybe my wife can be my photographer for a bit.
I'll be posting the recipe for it after I get it brewed...probably sometime after the brew session on my next post.
Well...gonna go watch tv for a while and wait for the starter wort to cool off....shouldn't take too long as it is darn right chilly out there! (I have it cooling outside now).
See ya soon!
Keep Brewing.
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